Bad light spoils not only the eyes but also the mood

"In bad light you spoil your eyes" used to be the admonition of grandparents to their grandchildren.
Actually, we know it, but act differently....
- We know: In autumn and winter, when the sun is seldom to be seen but the sky is gray, a leaden heaviness usually settles on our minds.
- We know: When the fluorescent lamp flashes in the bathroom in the morning and we look in the mirror... we don't really want to recognize ourselves.
- We know: That in the store where we buy our clothes, we look in vain for a window or daylight to judge the colors of the good, new piece....
The list of occurrences could be extended at will - and yet for many people real light quality is still uncharted territory.
Artificial light with the quality of sunlight changes the world as we perceive it
Everything appears more realistic, more lifelike, more colorful, more lively and more positive when it is illuminated with high quality light - just like from the sun.
High-quality light lets us discover new things, recognize subtleties and nuances, and gives us a positive attitude towards life.
The complete range: SORAA Full Spectrum LED
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